With the aid of display boards showing the history of housebuilding, together with historic local water flows, Councillor Button gave a detailed explanation of the causes of Raglan Gardens Flooding at the AGM. Work to address this situation was explained, including new underground drains on Raglan and Hillcroft, a sump in Raglan Gardens, a raised road table across the road at the Oaklands Avenue end of Raglan Gardens. There will also be a French drain in front of the road table in Oaklands Avenue to further contain the flow down Oaklands Avenue.

Funding for this project is available this year with a timetable for the work to be announced soon.

However as long as front gardens continue to be replaced with hard standing (for which planning permission is required) with inadequate drainage for the water run-off, then more surface water will be pushed onto the roads and into the underground drainage system. Our original drains were not built for this volume as front gardens were originally just that – gardens

The meeting was attended by about 35 residents and full reports were received from County Councillor Frances Button, District Councillors Andrew and Alison Scarth and Keith Martin and Parish Councillor Ann Grant, Neighbourhood Watch and the Police as well as the Chairman. The Chairman mentioned Mario Carillo who as a new resident has expressed interest in joining the Residents Association Committee and helping to produce an OHRA Website.

The reports prompted comments and discussion on the following matters:

Treasurers Report:

Following a question there was some discussion concerning the annual subscription and the adequacy of the £2 and whether this was sufficient in the light of the Local Plan and a potential fighting fund. It was noted that the Committee’s work in dealing with planning matters is provided on a voluntary basis and if we found ourselves in the position of needing professional input in the future then this would probably need to be covered by a fundraising appeal.

County Councillor’s Report

Charlie Rae, for Neighbourhood Watch asked if data from SID’s could be requested under FOI. Cllr. Button explained that a FOI option is only available if data is already available and no extra work is required to obtain it. Two free downloads are available per year (March and September) with a £250 cost per extra download. Due to volume of traffic along Hampermill Lane the memory in the SID is full after three weeks recording. County do not want to provide additional data nor allow us to do the work as volunteers as they see the use of the device is only to visually flag-up speed.

A question on use of Thomas Sawyer Way identified that there will be a review of local traffic flow, including the use of Thomas Sawyer Way. Watford General Hospital contributed towards the cost of Thomas Sawyer Way and do not want the road used other than to serve the hospital. This review is pertinent bearing in mind the residential property that is to be built.

The issue of Raglan Gardens pavement resurface was raised. Cllr. Button recognises the unsatisfactory resurfacing work and has had site meetings to discuss. The permitted weed-killer has to be of a weaker strength and therefore much less effective. Cllr. Button is not prepared to wait for the two year maintenance period and requires action now. Crossovers are sub-standard, tyre marks caused by vehicles before the surface had dried. It was a badly managed project. It was noted that the footpath on Wiggenhall Road from the petrol station along to the old depot site and the pedestrian crossing has now been reinstated.

District Councillors’ Report

Cllr. Martin stated there will be a presentation on the local area plan after the short list has been announced and that he will liaise with residents when the list is published. He also offered to arrange a meeting for the committee.

A question re the No. 8 bus. Cllr. Martin continues to plead for a better service but without progress. There is still a risk that service could be withdrawn.

A question was asked about progress on new supermarket. Cllr. Martin confirmed this will be available from 2020, but Lidl, the intended occupant, will not sign a contract until the store is ready to move into.

A question as to why the new pavement on Station Approach has been dug up so many times? Cllr. Martin confirmed the work was at contractors’ expense.

Police Report

At this year’s OHRA AGM Sgt. Dan Amos, PCSO Josh Austin and PCSO introduced themselves at the AGM. We are most fortunate to have a very experienced community officer, such as Dan, leading our local team. A full police article is included below.

Concerns were raised from the floor regarding pavement parking on Brookdene. Police advice is to ring 101 or use the website to report any occurrences and also take a photograph if possible. It was noted that construction vehicles from South Oxhey are continually speeding along Brookdene Avenue. This will be looked into.

Neighbourhood Watch

Charlie Rae reminded that WhatsApp can be updated manually. Welcome packs are available for new residents. Oxhey Hall and Hayling Ward now has 81% of residents signed up to OWL

Copies of the various reports are available on request for those not able to attend the meeting.

Committee & Road Representatives

These were elected for 2019/20 and a full list is available here.

Any Other Business

Proposed OHRA Website: In the absence of Mario Cirillo, the Chairman gave information on the proposed OHRA Website.
Raglan Gardens Flood prevention: Cllr. Frances Button described the plans
W20 Bus Route suggestions: Andy Milner made suggestions regarding the W20 bus route
The Conservation Area: The subject of the Conservation Area was raised and just what is permitted.